Saturday, May 17, 2008


Hyderabad was established by Qutub Shahi dynasty. It was captured by Aurangzeb in 1681. It merged with Indian Union in 1948. Places of historical interest in Hyderabad are Charminar, Faluknuma Palace, Mecca Masjid, Golconda Fort and Hussain Sagar Lake.
Charminar was built by Mohd. Quli Qutub Shah in 1591in commemoration of the eradication of plague from Hyderabad. It is a gateway with beautiful stuccowork, which has become synonymous with Hyderabad.
Falaknuma Palace (Star of Heaven) built of marble, was constructed by Nawab Vikar-ul-Umra Bahadur, the 5th Amir of the Paigah in19th century. The ceiling of the state reception room is decorated with frescoes and gilded reliefs. The palace houses the Oriental and European treasures including a large collection of manuscripts and books.
Mecca Masjid, reputed to be among the largest mosque in the world, is made of single granite slab. It was constructed by Abdullah Quli Qutub Shah in 1614 but was completed by Aurangzeb when he captured Golconda in late 17th Century. The other historically important monuments in the complex are the tombs of Asaf Jahi rulers, the Nizams of Hyderabad.
Golconda Fort was built originally by the Hindu Kakatiyas in the 12th century. Later the Bahamanis reinforced it by masonry in 1363 and Qutub Shahi Kings expanded it into a massive fort. Aurangzeb besieged it in 1687. The main citadel is built on a granite hill surrounded by walls of solid stones.
Hussain Sagar Lake was built in 16th century by Ibrahim Quli Qutub Shah. It is also known as Tank Bund, which connects Hyderabad with Secunderabad. A huge monolithic structure of Lord Buddha is installed in the center of the lake. You can see the historical places of Hyderabad with the tour of historical places of India.

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